Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sample Crew Agreement

Sample "Crew Agreement"

SAILING YACHT: La Vie, Seattle, WA


PLANNED VOYAGE: New Zealand to ????.


This agreement is between SKIPPER hereafter the (“Skipper”) and CREW NAME hereafter (“Crew”).

CREW INFO: Name (First, Middle, Last): ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:________________________ Place of birth________________________________________________Passport #_______________________________________________________Expiration Date: __________________Passport issuing Country:__________________________________________________________________________Address: _________________________________________________________________

Phone Numbers:_________________________________________________________________________________

Any other relevant information:

Name: _________________________________________________________Relation__________________________

Phone (home): __________________________________________________

Phone (work): __________________________________________________

Phone (cell): ____________________________________________________


Name: _________________________________________________________Relation__________________________

Phone (home): __________________________________________________

Phone (work): __________________________________________________

Phone (cell): ____________________________________________________


A copy of this agreement will be sent to the Skipper's representative prior to departure; and it is suggested that Crew send a copy to someone Crew deems appropriate.

The intent of this agreement is to align expectations between Skipper and Crew thereby eliminating potential misunderstandings that might occur while aboard La Vie or it’s tender at sea, on anchor or at the dock. This document is designed to protect the Crew, Skipper and the safety of Sailing Yacht La Vie. There are no inducements or promises or considerations that are not fully described in this agreement.

In completing and signing this agreement CREW TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CREW’S DECISION TO JOIN, and Crew agrees that Crew accepts all dangers, difficulties and discomforts that may come Crew’s way as a result of participation as Crew abord La Vie.
Crew’s understand and agrees._______ (initials, Crew)________ (Initials, Skipper).
Crewing on Sailing Yacht La Vie works best when all are considered equals and each Crew contributes equally to both customary sailing, cooking, cleaning and maintenance tasks and other tasks assigned by the Skipper. Crew will be consulted frequently and asked for input on key decisions. However, this being said the Skipper will always have the final say.
The Skipper hereby declares his belief that Sailing Yacht La Vie is properly equipped and prepared for the planned voyage, and that the Skipper is fully competent to manage, alone or with Crew. The Skipper invites the Crew to test this statement in any way Crew wishes by their own inquiries and judgment, or with the help of others of their choosing. When Crew signs this agreement Crew agrees that Crew has fully investigated and found that the boat is properly equipped and that the Skipper is capable, fit and competent.

Crew understands that David B Kane is the Skipper and Crew must obey all lawful orders.
Crew’s understand and agrees._______ (initials, Crew)________ (Initials, Skipper).

In the event that Crew is sea sick, apart from spoiling Crew’s trip and making it harder for others aboard, seasickness can be dangerous. Unless Crew knows, from extensive experience, that Crew will not be affected, Crew must provide, and use, reputable seasickness treatment as prescribed by their physician.

Sailing Yacht La Vie has a well equipped first aid kit which the Crew is invited to inspect. However, Crew agree to take full responsibility for any current or past medical conditions that may recur, or any medical, health problems, or injuries that may occur during or as a result of participation as Crew.
It is strongly recommended that Crew bring an ample supply of medication for at least twice as long as the expected passage. Original doctors prescriptions must accompany any prescription drugs and be presented to the Skipper for inspection as undocumented or illegal drugs onboard carry severe penalties for the Skipper including the possible seizure of the Sailing Yacht La Vie. Crew must inform the Skipper of any potentially serious conditions that could affect safety at sea.

Give details below of any known drug allergies, conditions that might recur, potentially serious conditions that could affect safety and current medication(s) Crew intends to bring on board Sailing Yacht La Vie:

It is Crew’s sole responsibility to obtain and verify proper health and disability insurance coverage is in place to cover any circumstance including medical evacuation.

List medical insurance provider contact details:
Policy number:_____________________________________________________________Exp. date:_______________ Phone number:____________________________________________________________________________________

Crew are required to have a passport valid for a minimum of six month beyond the voyage dates listed. Crew is required to have an airline ticket and or $1000 USD Cash sufficient to pay for transportation from any location along the intended route. Passport and Airline Ticket or Cash in lieu will be deposited in Sailing Yacht La Vie’s ships safe until which time that Crew furnish proof to the Skippers satisfaction that customs and immigration and health officials will remove Crew’s name from Sailing yacht La Vie’s ships papers and the Sailing Yacht La Vie will be allowed to proceed from the port or exit the country without hindrance or delay.

Sailing Yacht La Vie may not reach it’s intended destination or may be significantly delayed in reaching it’s intended destination due to weather, damage, equipment failure or Skippers illness. Decisions on proceeding to the intended destination and timing are at the sole discretion of the Skipper and based on safety of the Crew and yacht. Crew understand and agree that Crew whom disembark Sailing Yacht La Vie, for any reason, at any port, either at the Skipper’s or Crew’s request Crew will be responsible for all Crew’s own repatriation costs incurred including but, not limited to transportation, lodging, meals and custom fees.

Crew’s understand and agrees._______ (initials, Crew)________ (Initials, Skipper).

Crew understand and agree that Crew may be disembarked for any reason including but not limited to lack of competence, inappropriate behavior, Crew incompatibility, illness, injury, inability to carry out required tasks, damage or weather related delay or for any other reason the Skipper deems appropriate in his sole opinion.

Crew’s understand and agrees._______ (initials, Crew)________ (Initials, Skipper).

In the unlikely event Crew is disembarked, the Skipper will take reasonable measures, at the Skippers sole discretion, to disembark Crew at a port the Skipper deems suitable.

Keeping Sailing Yacht La Vie in safe and ship shape condition requires diligent attention to the many systems on board and on going maintenance of which the Crew are expected to contribute on a daily basis. Good Crew members are always looking for ways to contribute to maintenance and upkeep of the yacht. COSTS:Food costs will be equally divided by all aboard and with equal shares paid directly to the supermarket at the time of provisioning. All food provisions on board at the time of departure are available for consumption and not considered a cost. Skippers alcohol onboard at the time of departure is exclusively the skippers. Crew are welcome to obtain their own alcoholic beverages and bring them on board but, no drinking will be allowed while on ocean passage where a watch schedule is in place.
Crew agree that at any monies Crew pays toward Crew’s own costs is not for any charter fee or passenger fee or for the benefit of the Sailing Yacht La Vie or the Skipper, but only for the benefit of the Crew. Crew are responsible for ALL personal expenses including but not limited items such as living expenses, personal expenses, travel, medical, customs, water taxis, etc, etc, etc, regardless of their nature or cause, planned or unplanned. Crew understand and agree that time aboard Sailing Yacht La Vie is not a paid position in any respect. If a majority of Crew prefers to obtain fee moorage, and the Skipper concurs, then the cost may be borne equally between all on board.

Crew’s understand and agrees._______ (initials, Crew)________ (Initials, Skipper).

Permission to use the tender must be granted by the Skipper and the Skipper may approve or deny use of the Tender at his sole discretion. If permission is granted, all anchoring and shore landing sites must be approved in advance by the Skipper. The dingy may not be left on anchored or on shore for any period of time and must be returned promptly to La Vie if other crew or the skipper are aboard La Vie. Tender, outboard engine, fuel tank, oars, lifejackets and tender other gear must be securely locked and secured against theft, damage and loss at all times. Lifejackets and US Coast Guard required safety items must be on board the Tender and properly utilized at all times. When the Tender is operated in the vicinity of an anchorage, mooring or marina area the tender will be operated at no wake speed as a courtesy to other boaters. The Tender will always be operated in a safe, seamanlike and courteous manner. The tender may not be operated by Crew whom are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Non-Crew may not operate the Tender under any circumstances.

Crew are responsible for the prompt replacement of Sailing Yacht La Vie’s or her tenders gear lost, stolen or damaged as a result of Crew’s negligence or inattentitivness. Crew agrees to immediately compensate the Skipper for the replacement cost of any such item at a rate equal to the cost to acquire the item at the location.

Respect and consideration for others is paramount while aboard and should govern all actions.
Consumption of alcohol on aboard Sailing yacht La Vie is not endorsed or approved by the Skipper due to liability. Should Crew choose to partake it is paramount to avoid intoxication levels that could lead to impaired judgment, injury or accidents. Skipper takes no responsibility what so ever for the actions or consequences of intoxicated individuals. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed while on passage under any circumstances.
Guests must request permission to board Sailing Yacht La Vie or her Tender and be granted permission by the Skipper prior to boarding.

NO Drugs are allowed on board Sailing Yacht La Vie or her tender under any circumstances.


I CREW NAME understand this is not a paid Crew position in any respect. ______(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME agree to expeditiously follow the instruction of the Skipper . ______(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME understand that I CREW NAME may be disembarked from Sailing Yacht La Vie at anytime in any place for any reason. _______(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME have completed the above details fully and honestly, and have volunteered any further information I CREW NAME am aware of that may affect the safe enjoyment of the proposed voyage by all aboard. ________(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME will not bring any illegal drugs or weapons on board Sailing yacht La Vie, and I CREW NAME will immediately inform the Skipper if I CREW NAME become aware of any on board, or anyone with intentions to bring such items aboard. ______(initial Crew) ______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME accept that the Skipper may change his plans at his sole discretion, and I CREW NAME will not hold the Skipper responsible for any repatriation, transportation, lodging, immigration, customs or any other cost involved in my return to the original destination or other destination I CREW NAME choose, should the intended destination not be reached aboard Sailing Yacht La Vie. ________(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)
I CREW NAME will make myself familiar with the location and operation of all safety equipment aboard the Sailing Yacht La Vie. ________(initial Crew) ______(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME will seek to learn all aspects of sailing and seamanship by reading appropriate manuals and books aboard, and by asking for coaching and instruction from the Skipper and others._______(initial Crew) ______(initial Skipper).

I CREW NAME accept the responsibility is fully mine to learn and to ask to be taught any skills that I CREW NAME need for my personal safety and the safe operation of the boat. ________(initial Crew) _____(initial Skipper)

I CREW NAME agree to share all work aboard, and obey all orders given to me relating to the safe conduct of the boat, at all times. _______(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)I CREW NAME am aware that there are risks that I CREW NAME will face in this voyage, and take full responsibility for my decision to join the Crew. ______(initial Crew) _______(initial Skipper)I CREW NAME, or my heirs, next of kin, legal representatives, successors and assigns, and in consideration of the acceptance as a Crew member of the Sailing yacht La Vie, do hereby waive any and all claims which I CREW NAME may bring against the Skipper and Sailing Yacht La Vie, or any other duly qualified and authorized Skipper appointed by David B Kane, arising out of, or in any way connected with, my participation as a members of the Crew of the Sailing Yacht La Vie or it’s tender, and understand and agree that, I CREW NAME as a member of the Crew of sailing yacht La Vie, have no recourse of any kind against SKIPPER or Sailing Yacht La Vie, and shall hold the Skipper harmless and indemnify the Skipper against any and all consequences of my participation as a Crew member aboard the Sailing Yacht La Vie or it’s tender. _______(initial Crew) ______(initial Skipper)

This Crew agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the United States of America. Any claims or suits in regard to this agreement shall be heard in the Superior Court of the County of King, in the State of Washington in the United States of America.CREW NAME’S ACCEPTANCE OF ALL TERMS

(SIGN):____________________________________________________________DATE: ________________


Note: This document is a "sample" only and subject to change.

Copyright 2005-2007 Dave Kane

Feel free to use this form for personal use. Commercial use requires written permission.